Notice To Bid

The City of Westmoreland Industrial Development Board is soliciting proposals from interested parties to construct a ditch on a portion of their property.  The ditch is to be constructed in accordance with the Grading Plan prepared by Hethcoat Davis dated 12-14-2022.  A copy of the plan can be provided via email upon request.  All materials and labor required to complete the plan are to be included in the proposal.  Make all request to Tony Bentle, or 615-804-7599.

The board will allow interested parties to visit the site on February 10th at Noon.  Enter the site from 31E onto Bentle Drive and cross over Pleasant Grove Road. The party awarded the project will have 60 days to complete the project.  Access to the site will need to be coordinated with Tony Bentle.

Written sealed bids labeled “IDB Ditch” are to be submitted to Westmoreland City Hall, P O Box 8 located at 1001 Park Street, Westmoreland, TN 37186 no later than February 20th.

The City of Westmoreland Industrial Development Board is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
