Public Hearings 10-21-21

Notice of Public Hearings 10/21/21

 RE:  Rezoning of 1008 North Walunt Street and Rezoning of 6628 Hwy 31 E

 Location : 5300 Austin Peay Highway


  There will be two Public Hearings during the October City Council Meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021 at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers. The purpose of the public hearings is on the Rezoning of North Walunt Street and the Rezoning of Hwy 31 E. The hearings will be followed by a 2nd Reading of Ordinance # O92021-1, Rezoing of 1008 North Walunt Street and Ordinance #O92021-2Rezoning of 6628 Hwy 31E.


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