Request for Proposal -- AMI Full-Service Program

The City of Westmoreland invites interested firms to submit a sealed Request for Proposal (RFP) with Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for the following: Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Bids will be received until May 5, 2022 with the sealed bid opening on May 5, 2022 during the monthly City Council Work Study Session.

Interested parties may submit Qualifications for an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Full-Service Implementation and Maintenance Program in order to improve the process of collecting monthly water utility meter data to enhance the level of service offered to customers.

The AMI Full-Service Program will be implemented system wide in a short time frame, in order to maximize the benefits of the system. Interested parties are to submit qualifications for a turnkey deployment of approximately 1,800-metered accounts, followed by an ongoing field maintenance program with field labor that includes network, AMI endpoints, and software maintenance as well as full-service data hosting and delivery to the City of Westmoreland.
The requirements for Qualifications including instructions, requirements, and formatting for the SOQ may be secured at the City of Westmoreland Water Department, 1001 Park Street, Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 644-3382, or by web email to

Firms interested in being considered for selection should respond by submitting one original and three copies of the SOQ in a sealed envelope marked "Water Meter System Replacement" to Westmoreland Public Works, City of Westmoreland, 1001 Park St, Westmoreland, TN, 37186. Responses received after the specified due date and time will not be considered.

The City of Westmoreland is an equal opportunity employer and provider.
